Why Can Temperature Not Go Below Absolute Zero?Many people learn in school that absolute zero is zero degrees Kelvin (0 K). But what does that mean and why is it a big deal? In simple…Oct 28, 2023Oct 28, 2023
Where is the Closest Place to Space on Earth?After I wrote What’s the Maximum Height of a Mountain on Earth?, I wanted to find out where on Earth is the closest place to space that you…Jan 13, 2023Jan 13, 2023
Could We Survive Without Bones?You’ve probably never thought of this in your entire life. And yet here we are. This is more of a thought experiment, as I don’t think…Jan 13, 2023Jan 13, 2023
Why Does Being Dizzy Make You Nauseous?When you were a kid, did you ever sit on an office chair that swivels and spun yourself around a bunch of times? You would know that…Oct 27, 2022Oct 27, 2022
Do Butterflies Remember Being a Caterpillar?You know that stage of metamorphosis in a caterpillar’s life when they turn into a pupa/cocoon and become complete mush? Fascinating isn’t…Oct 25, 2022Oct 25, 2022
Why is Your Sense of Taste Worse While Flying?Hi there. Ever been on a flight with a commercial airline and wondered why the food they serve you is very bland or just seems crap? It’s…Oct 24, 2022Oct 24, 2022
Why Does a Fever Make You Feel Cold?This is a follow up to the post I wrote on whether a fever actually helps you while you are sick (the original blog post is here).Jul 16, 2022Jul 16, 2022
Does a Fever Actually Help When You are Sick?I’m sitting here feeling rather miserable as I’m recovering from a case of gastro or something similar. Nausea, a case of ‘the runs’…Jul 16, 2022Jul 16, 2022
Why Do Birds Have Skinny Legs?This really sounds like a dumb question in my head. But I think it’s pertinent; have you ever looked at a bird, and thought about their…May 29, 2022May 29, 2022
Why Do Snails Have Shells But Slugs Don’t?Have you ever seen a snail in your garden and wondered why it has a shell? Or ever looked at a slug and thought why doesn’t it have one?Apr 16, 2022Apr 16, 2022